You are here: 4. Point of Sale > 4.4. POINT OF SALE Menu: Transaction Processing > 4.4.3. Point of Sale - Docket Creation > Creating a New Docket, Layby or Quote > Adding a New Customer
Adding a New Customer

Use this procedure to create a sales docket for a non-account customer when goods sold are to be delivered by the store, picked up by a customer at a later date or the customer has placed a special order.


Technical Tip

The default settings on this screen are set on the Default Settings for New Customers screen – see "Edit - Applications - POS - Default Debtor".

To set up a new customer record:


Micronet displays the Enter Transaction screen.


Micronet displays the Enter Customer Details screen.

  1. Complete the following fields:





Debtor Code

If your Micronet system is set to auto customer numbers, Micronet automatically allocates the next available debtor number. If not, you need to create the debtor number using the same format each time. For example, your management may have chosen to use the first three letters of the surname or business name, followed by a number sequence, etc.



If the customer is a person, enter the customer's first name followed by their last name. If the customer is a company, enter the company name.

You must enter a name.


Contact Salutation

If the customer is a person, enter the salutation, e.g. Mr, Mrs, Ms, etc.


Contact First Name

Micronet displays the first name entered in the Name field. You can change this if required.


Contact Surname

Micronet displays the last name entered in the Name field. You can change this if required.



Enter the debtor's email address.


Post Address 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

Enter up to five lines of postal address details for the customer, e.g. unit number, street address, suburb and state.


Nearest Cross Road

Enter the nearest cross road for the debtor’s address.


Post Code

Enter the customer's postcode. This enables postcode sales reporting or searching by postcodes.


Phone Number

Enter the customer's phone number. You must enter at least one phone number for a debtor. If you only know the customer's mobile number or work number, enter it in this field.


Fax Number

Enter the customer's fax number.


Mobile Phone Number

Enter the customer's mobile phone number.


Work Phone Number

Enter the customer's work phone number.



Enter the customer's Australian Business Number.


Sales Territory

Enter the customer's default sales territory if required, or press Tab or Enter to select a sales territory. This allows grouping of customers into sales territories or regions for reporting and analysis.


Debtors Class

Enter the default class for this debtor. You can also press spacebar then Enter to select a class.

This field gives you an alternative means of grouping customers for reporting/inquiries.


T1 Code

If you are using T accounts within the Micronet General Ledger, enter the default T1 account for this customer. You can also press spacebar then Enter to select an account.


Tax Number

Micronet displays TAXABLE in this field. This applies to all customers liable to pay GST or sales tax. The following exceptions apply:

  • if the customer wants to provide a standing tax number that is applicable for a given period of time, enter that number
  • if the customer is an export customer (where you are exporting products), enter EXPORT in this field to prevent Micronet from adding GST to invoice sales value, and to ensure Micronet posts correctly to GST reports.

Any entry in the tax number field other than TAXABLE is treated as GST exempt.



Enter the number of days by which invoices must be paid.


Allow B/O

Select Yes if backorders are allowed for this customer, or No if they are not.



Best Practice

It is important to enter as much of the above information as you can, since this information prints on the customer's order confirmation, the supplier's purchase order for delivery instructions to the customer, and other documents.

  1. If you want to enter a delivery address for the customer which is different from the customer's postal address, refer to "Adding a Delivery Address".
  1. Choose the Accept button.

Micronet creates a new debtor account in the Debtor master file and redisplays the Enter Transaction screen.

  1. Continue with the procedure for creating a new docket, layby or quote.

Refer to "Creating a New Docket, Layby or Quote".